Mike Rossiter

I first noticed a small lump under my left nipple in August 2013. I was then a very active runner and was beginning to train for the Manchester marathon in April 2014. When my distances started to increase, I had to put lubrication (Vaseline) on my nipples to stop them rubbing with the sweat under my running vest. It was only a small lump, so I just kept a eye on it and carried on.

Eventually I went to my local doctor and was told it was probably a cyst and to keep checking it. This went on over another two visits to my doctors until I asked for a referral to a cancer specialist as I knew something wasn’t right. I eventually had my diagnosis in January 2014 and my mastectomy in February.

The operation was a complete success and while there was no evidence of disease, it was suggested I have chemotherapy to make absolutely sure. I started six sessions, one every three weeks of FEC chemotherapy at Velindre Cancer Centre in April, finishing at the end of July.

The chemotherapy was manageable at first but as each session was completed it got harder for me. I suffered quite a bit with nausea and feeling anxious.

After completing my course of chemotherapy, I was then put on a 10-year course of Tamoxifen.

It was also found out at the end of my treatment that I had the gene mutation BRCA2 which was passed through the maternal side of my family. I have yearly mammograms and a prostate cancer blood test every two years.

It’s now 9 years since my last chemotherapy session and I’m feeling OK. Trying to keep as active as I can, still running but nowhere near as far or as fast.

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