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Ron Workentin

In July, 2018, I felt a hard and fairly large lump under my left nipple. It was not painful until after feeling it many times.

After a mammogram and ultrasound, I received the results back that afternoon. It was “highly suspicious for cancer”. I was referred to Dr. M at the Midland Surgical Center.

Ali, my wife, and Danalyn, my daughter, went with me to see Dr. M. and had a biopsy. On Monday I got a call from the doctor saying I had an invasive cancer. She set up an appointment with her when we scheduled a mastectomy. We also talked with Charli, the nurse who assists with breast cancer patients. She gave us some resources to talk with to get funding for this.

On July 18, 2018, I had my mastectomy and the first two lymph nodes on the left side removed. Dr. M got all of the cancer. Afterwards, I saw Dr. Manget, the oncologist. He told me that it was stage 1b cancer. He prescribed tamoxifen, which I have to take for five years. I returned to Dr. M a week to check the the drains. I saw the surgeon and oncologist every month until we left Pecos, TX to move to Yoakum, TX.


Since then I have seen the oncologist once a year. At my appointment in 2021, a new oncologist in Florida explained that research has shown that it’s good for a patient to be on Tamoxifen for 10 years. We will be discussing that at my appointment later this Fall 2022.


The issues that I struggle with on a pretty regular basis includes, why me? Why did I not need radiation or chemo?  And why did I survive?  I am also very self-conscience of my scar and never go out in public without a shirt on, even swimming I wear a swim shirt.

My two favorite things to do are, spend time with our grandchildren (pictured here is Alex) and to share the love of Santa.

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