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Leandro Montalvo

In September 2019, my grandfather felt a lump on his right breast. It never crossed his mind it could be breast cancer. Thankfully, he took action anyways and went to the doctor. The doctor ordered him an ultrasound and mammography. The result was: Highly suspicious for malignancy. There was no confirmed diagnosis yet but you knew something was wrong. The doctor’s ordered a biopsy and the results came back on October 3: Positive for Breast Cancer. We thought, a difficult time, but we can get through this. Him, me, our family, many people we know, were thinking, male breast cancer, what, but that’s not a woman’s exclusive disease? Nope! Men can get breast cancer too.

What started with a breast cancer diagnosis for my grandfather, has turned into a life project of educating and creating awareness. I have been a Girl Scout for 11 years and as my Gold Award – the highest recognition a Girl Scout can earn – I created “The One Percent: A Human Race Breast Cancer Awareness” project, about creating awareness that females and males can have Breast Cancer.

One percent (1%) of all diagnosed breast cancer cases are in men. It may seem like little, but that is equal to thousands of lives. It can be a relative, your dad, brother, cousin, uncle, neighbor, a friend, well, you never know. When a family member gets cancer, they are not alone, the battle belongs to everyone. So, I created a ribbon 1% blue, 99% pink.

In December 2019, my grandfather started with his first chemotherapy. Four rounds of “The Red Devil” Doxorubicin. A red and powerful chemotherapy. Sixteen days, after only one round, he got up in the morning and realized his pillow was full of his hair, and when he washed it, more than half fell into the bathtub. My grandfather’s words were: “I am stronger than Cancer”. My grandfather is a warrior and survivor.

Then came the operation. He had a right breast mastectomy in March, 2020, where a surgeon removed the breast tumor, just three days before Puerto Rico’s governor ordered a total Covid-19 Lockdown.

Next came 28 radiotherapies. Later he had his second type of chemotherapy, Taxol, which did not work for him. Important here: what works for one patient, not necessarily works for others. And what did not work for him, is still effective in others. Afterwards, he had his third chemotherapy type, Capecitabine, which did complete its purpose. It’s been a rough rollercoaster journey amid cancer and pandemic, but we’re still grateful and counting our blessings.

My grandfather did not have any family history of Breast Cancer. Since there’s nothing we can do to prevent it, it is very important that everyone is aware and take the necessary precautions to keep up with their health, such have healthy eating habits and regular physical exercise.

Awareness is essential in this fight. Early detection saves lives. Breast Cancer is affecting the planet in epidemic numbers. Support from family and friends is essential. To patients who will battle with this disease, and their families, there is hope. Be strong, you are not alone.

It has been a very special journey, full of work, goals, and achievements. I have the support of the American Cancer Society and the Puerto Rican League Against Cancer. I worked with them during the month of October. The Dr. Isaac González Oncological Hospital, for the first time in its history, put a pink and blue ribbon in its lobby in honor of my project. They also included me in “La Voz del Onco” (Onco’s Voice), a monthly newsletter for all the hospital employees.

I had the immense opportunity to be interviewed by El Nuevo Día, a well-known Puerto Rico newspaper, and also wrote an article for BuenaVida, a recognized Puerto Rico magazine, in their 30th-anniversary edition.

The Puerto Rico Capitol is annually lit by pink lights in October, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Last October, 2020, I had the great opportunity to write a letter to the Superintendence of the Capitol about my project and I managed to get them to add a blue light bulb, representing that 1% of diagnosed men.

Puerto Rico’s Senate President signed and filed Senate Bill 151, to declare the second Friday of October of each year as “Male Breast Cancer Awareness Day”, to promote the use of the awareness ribbon 99% pink and 1% blue, and for other related purposes. As part of October being the “Breast Cancer Prevention Month”, I proposed to have a day dedicated to Male Breast Cancer. This is key to raise awareness of the importance of early detection of this cancer in men, the treatments to fight it, and the support for patients and survivors. Soon Male Breast Cancer will have its official day here in Puerto Rico. I want to continue doing everything I can to help save lives.

Follow me on social media to help me spread the message and save lives.

Isabel Rosario



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