Bob Trafter

May 9, 1954 – April 28, 2017 Journey, what journey? This has been more like a trip to hell and back. In 1995. I felt something right under my right […]

Tim Manshack

In November 2016, I was diagnosed with ductal breast carcinoma. My life had changed forever and now I’m on a crazy journey. I was a 55-year-old healthy man who worked many […]

Fred van der Kade

In August 2018, I incidentally stroked my left breast. It was itchy, but suddenly I felt something hard. Felling again and again, it still was there. Something small and hard. […]

Kizito (Kizi) Kamasho

My Diagnosis, Feb 11th, 2022 I have been an intensive care nurse in the NHS within the UK for over 27 years. On February 11, 2022, at the age of […]

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