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Mark James

Back in the eighties, my wife, Patricia, found a tiny little lump on one of her breasts. Sensibly, she went to the doctor, was diagnosed with cancer, and had a […]

Marc Minaya Ruiz

Marc, at 46 years old, detected a pimple on his nipple which did not heal. His doctor prescribed antibiotics. Concerned, he did some tests and breast cancer was detected. Marc […]

Bryan Thorn

Bryan Thorn from Baglan, Port Talbot, Wales “I noticed a lump in my right breast when I was showering. I was not checking myself, in fact, like many people, I […]

Doug Harper

I was just an average good guy and then I found out that I was different. I became one of only 300 men a year in the UK to have […]

Rod Ritchie

“I’m sorry to say, but you have breast cancer.” When I heard that diagnosis from my family doctor in March 2014, I was not overly surprised. Ten years earlier a […]

Eric Henderson

When I first discovered the lump in my chest, the “c” word floated around in my head, but that was not my first inclination. I had never heard of a […]

Stu Wein

I’m one man of about 2500 who this year was diagnosed with Male Breast Cancer. Most people believe this is a woman’s disease and men are not targets. Not true. […]

Reginald Hogans

To all my male breast cancer survivors: I commend you for your courage, your will power, and your faith in God enabling you to fight this battle for your life. […]

Aubrey Glencamp

On Feb 14, 2016, my wife noticed a lump in my left pec. After examining the lump, I noticed it was small and hard. I had never noticed it before, […]

Tiago Garcia

October 2021   June 2019, aged 41, I discovered a lump on my right nipple as I was parking my car. After speaking about it with my doctor, she thought […]

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