Sean Comiskey

I am a 35-year-old Irish man living in the Highlands of Scotland, with my partner Anna and our two children, Freya and Oisean. I have a passion for adventure and […]

Jacob Bryson

My wife Rebecca first noticed a lump under my right nipple while we were making love. I remember the look of terror on her face when she put her finger on what […]

Tom Welch

You Shouldn’t Have to Mourn the Loss of Your Mother and Your Wife At the age of 14 you shouldn’t have to mourn the loss of your mother. My mother […]

Brock Bowles

August 28, 1945 – September 16, 2004 Brock and I were in Aspen, CO for a wedding in November 2001 when Brock found a lump in his right breast.  Brock […]

Reuben Board

Back in November 2022 I was working on a building site driving a telescopic handler in Exmouth East Devon, I squeezed past a stack of blocks and hurt myself on […]

Ben Porch

While the risk of breast cancer is relatively low for men, the odds go up for those who carry the BRCA2 gene mutation. About a year ago, Ben Porch, 59, […]

Zweli Nkosi

Zweli Nkosi (61) lives in Gauteng, South Africa with his wife, Patricia. They have four adult children. Late September 2019, Zweli noticed blood stains on a white shirt he was […]

Mike Burrows

My name is Mike Burrows, aged 69, from Ashbourne, Derbyshire, UK. My story starts the first week of October 2022 when I was 68. Following my retirement in the August, […]

Christopher Gallo

I originally felt a small lump behind my right nipple toward the end of 2013 at the age of 41.  I had my wife feel it and neither one of […]

Tim Manshack

In November 2016, I was diagnosed with ductal breast carcinoma. My life had changed forever and now I’m on a crazy journey. I was a 55-year-old healthy man who worked many […]

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