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David Arthurs

My “breast problems” actually started during puberty. A lifetime of hormone imbalance caused intermittent pain and swelling in my breasts: gynecomastia. Around 2007 I found my first lump in my […]

Bill Harris

The dog we rescued may have saved my life. I had an amazing, affectionate, and beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback/Boxer mix named Prynne. She lost her eyesight to glaucoma at the beginning […]

Casey Carr

Around November of 2017 I found a lump behind my left nipple. I thought that it may be some sort of cyst or something else that would eventually go away. […]

Tom Welch

You Shouldn’t Have to Mourn the Loss of Your Mother and Your Wife At the age of 14 you shouldn’t have to mourn the loss of your mother. My mother […]

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